ww.kqzyfj.com/click-5862376-10966627" target="_top">

About Mozy
Founded in 2005, Mozy is the world’s most trusted online backup service for consumers and businesses with more than 3 million customers and 80,000 business customers backing up 90 petabytes of information to multiple data centres around the globe.
Mozy is backed by VMware and EMC Corporation. We're headquartered in Seattle, Washington with offices in Pleasant Grove, Utah; London, England; Cork, Ireland; and Shanghai, China.
At Mozy, we believe:
You shouldn't have to think about backup.
Backup should be set up once, and then work automatically.
Your files should be encrypted.
Your backup files should be encrypted and stored in a secure, remote location that's only accessible to you—from anywhere.
Your backups should be smart.
Your backup system should be smart enough to only back up data that's not already been backed up, only back up parts of a file that have changed, and be able to back up open and locked files.
click here for more details
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